Free Gingerbread Houses You Can Crochet (zero calorie)
Check out this three part tutorial on how to make an adorable ginger bread house from Pink Mambo.

I love the colorful roof on the gingerbread house found at SpotLight Stores. The Christmas tree is included with the pattern!!

This gingerbread house by Nicki’s Homemade Crafts is special because the front door opens as well as having open windows, So, you could – if you were so inclined, put candy or lights inside.
Speaking of lights, this gingerbread house by Claudia Deuble is a free pattern available on Ravelry. It features a light-up base!
This Gingerbread Playhouse from Traverse Bay Crochet will be a treasure for years to come. But allow yourself time to complete the project. =)
More of a visual learner? Check out this video tutorial with Girlybunches.

This pattern from Cafe del Craft has it all. The house, the gingerbread men, Christmas trees, and a snowman on a peppermint sled!
Honorable Mentions
Here are a couple of gingerbread houses that aren’t actual gingerbread houses….

Crochet a pair of gingerbread potholders from DROPS Design. Available in 2 sizes. They also have a couple of gingerbread ornaments available. A gingerbread man and a gingerbread heart.

A gingerbread afghan from Red Heart.

These gingerbread ornaments also from Red Heart. (Direct PDF Download)

And finally, this C2C gingerbread advent calendar from Repeat Crafter Me.
Christy R. Hall is the owner of Hand Cramp Crafts and fancies herself to be a String Wrangler, and an all-around fiber phreak. In her free time, she spins yarn (both literally spinning fiber into yarn, as well as, writing), crochets for charity, watches silly cat videos, looks at pictures of Corgis, and plays PC and console games. Her current (ongoing) favorites are Skyrim and Elder Scrolls Online.